Did you know we host ISAC office hours across the city every day of the week? These sites are designed to make it convenient for you to get help with mail, phone calls, filling out forms, and more! If you have a question about something or need help, you can always visit one of our office hours locations and speak with one of our many bilingual service navigators. At these sites, interpretation is provided in-person for some languages and is provided over-the-phone at all locations.




JFCS at Green Tree: 11 am – 4 pm (Uzbek)
Triangle Realty: 1869 Chessland St, Pgh 15205

JFCS at Carnegie: 4 pm – 7 pm (Arabic)
St John Lutheran Church: 601 Washington Ave, Carnegie, PA 15106


JFCS at Crafton Heights: 9 am – 12 pm (Arabic & Swahili)
Mountainview Apartments: 1521 Crucible St, Pgh 15205

SHIM at Leland Point: 9 am – 1 pm (Telephone interpretation) Second and Fourth Tuesdays ONLY
Baldwin United Presbyterian Church: 201 Knoedler Rd, Pgh 15236

Literacy Pittsburgh at Downtown: 11:30 am – 1pm
Literacy Pittsburgh: 411 7th Ave, Ste. 550, Pgh 15222 (Duquesne Light Building)


JFCS at Mt. Oliver: 10 am – 2 pm (Nepali & Karen/Burmese)
Knoxville Carnegie Library: 400 Brownsville Rd, Pgh 15210

Literacy Pittsburgh at Downtown: 11:30 am – 1 pm (Arabic)
Literacy Pittsburgh: 411 7th Ave, Ste. 550, Pgh 15222 (Duquesne Light Building)


Literacy Pittsburgh at Downtown: 3 pm – 4:30 pm
Literacy Pittsburgh: 411 7th Ave, Ste. 550, Pgh 15222 (Duquesne Light Building)


JFCS at Brentwood: 10 am – 1pm (Nepali and Burmese)
Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh (BCAP): 3000 Brownsville Rd, Pgh 15227 


If you or someone you know would like more information about Immigrant Services and Connections (ISAC), ISAC office hour sites, or services available to you around the city, contact ISAC on our multi-lingual hotline at 412-742-4200 or make a referral online. We will speak with you in the language with which you are most comfortable.