Connecting immigrants with information, services and resources!
Helping Refugees and Immigrants thrive in Allegheny County since 2014
Funded by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services
Helping Refugees and Immigrants thrive in Allegheny County since 2014
Funded by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services

What is ISAC?
ISAC is a multi-agency partnership that connects immigrants living in Allegheny County with resources. ISAC provides navigation support or service coordination, depending on the level of support needed.
Immigrants, refugees, community members, or service providers can contact ISAC to make a referral by calling the intake line (412-724-4200) or by completing a web referral.
Immigrants can also receive in-person navigation support by going to Office Hours locations.
Please read the section below to see which option is a better fit for you or the client you are working with.
Clients who ONLY need legal support for the following areas should contact JFCS Legal Immigration department by completing the referral form below.
- Refugee/Asylee Green Card Applications
- Family Reunification petitions (Refugees/Asylees)
- Naturalization/Citizenship
- Unaccompanied Children’s Issues
- Afghan Nationals for SIV, Green Cards and TPS
- TPS for all designated countries
- Green Card Renewals
- Employment Authorization Cards and Renewals
- Human Trafficking, Victims of crimes and Violence Against Women’s Act cases
Clients who are interested in connecting with other community members can complete a referral for the Refugee and Immigrant Support Group
What Support is provided during Office Hours?
Office hours do not require appointments. Immigrants can go to any location to receive support to:
- Read and sort mail
- Ask public benefits questions
- Start utility services and apply for utility assistance
- Fill out housing applications
- Schedule medical appointments
- Sign up for English classes
- Connect with a food pantry
- Connect with legal services
- Make bill payments
For any other needs you can call the intake line or submit a referral, and we will assess your situation.
What is service coordination?
Clients enrolled in Service Coordination are active participants in addressing their needs and overcoming barriers limiting their ability to thrive. Individuals are enrolled for up to six months. During this time, they are educated to enhance their skills to promote self-sufficiency and increase independence to navigate systems. Service Coordinators will refer to specialists and other service providers to address complex needs. ISAC also works in partnership with providers to ensure immigrants receive quality services.
How we work with other service providers to help advance immigrant integration
ISAC’s strengths-based, culturally competent resource coordination model improves and expands services for immigrants in Allegheny County.
ISAC promotes coordination across service systems and offers training to healthcare providers, school districts, human services providers, and other programs that frequently work with immigrants.
ISAC fosters cultural and linguistic accessibility in services through building capacity in immigrant communities as well as service providers.
Allegheny County gains valuable information on immigrant utilization of services, strengths and weaknesses in services, as well as data on outcomes to help inform future policy decisions.
Who is Eligible?
ISAC offers support to individuals who meet the following criteria.
Resides in Allegheny County
Faces language or cultural barrier to accessing resources
Belongs to one of the following classifications:
- Immigrant
- Child of immigrant
- Individual from US territories
- Natural born US citizen (Individual born and raised outside the continental US)
Eligibility for local resources may vary depending on the specific needs.

Professional Training
Are you interested in team building, staff enrichment, or cultural education opportunities? Let us know!
JFCS Pittsburgh offers professional development training courses that are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization. To get started, simply click the button below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].